
Gotcha Date: 03/13/2020

Whenever there is a compromised little chick we will try to help out when we can.

Maddie along with Anabel, Tophu, Michele & Katie needed a little extra help so we stepped up and offered them sanctuary.
Madison turned out to be a rooster!

Maddie & his four little sisters were bought by a local feed & supply store from a hatchery to be sold during Chick Days.

At six days old and without proper care they were struggling to survive ~ Santuario de Karuna stepped up to make the rest of their lives the best of their lives!

Please consider making an appointment to tour the sanctuary and meet the amazing individuals that call Santuario de Karuna home and please donate if you can so we can continue to provide for them and continue our rescue work.

Or if you are able,  sponsor Madison with a $10 monthly donation that helps with his food, fresh fruits & veggies, water, bedding, medical bills and meeting all his other needs.  Thank you! 

Madison the Magnificent!
Maddie loving his couscous salad!
Maddie photo bombing Nahko & Mala
Madison as a young chick
The chicks, Maddie, Michele, Katie, Tophu & Anabel, are getting big!  They are hop-flying, beginning to roost and enjoying new foods everyday ~ today!
Today was a big day for the chicks ~ Michele, Katie, Maddie, Tophu Lishus and Anabel.
They spent the day in the inside chicken run while the big girls played outside.
Maddie with Gilda
Maddie as a baby
Today was a big day for the chicks ~ Michele, Katie, Maddie, Tophu Lishus and Anabel.
They spent the day in the inside chicken run while the big girls played outside.