4 month year old Inbred Great Pyrenees pups, Nakho and sister Mala were brought into sanctuary from a backyard breeder.
Nahko Bear is the best sanctuary guardian we could all hope for! She patrols the sanctuary grounds ensuring everyone is safe & no predators are entering. Nakho is nocturnal by nature so she sleeps during the day & is up at night. Her favorite activity besides getting love is to nap in the snow. She is just one big fluffy white cuddly bear!
We became aware of a local backyard breeder that had a litter of Great Pyrenees pups ~ their parents were brother and sister. Needless to say ~ they would never be able to “profit” from the pups ~ they were unable to “register” them with the AKC and they were lacking many of the “qualities” that “buyers” are seeking.
The girls never had a toy, eaten out of a bowl or known a gentle hand or a soft heart. Their coats were matted with various pieces of yard debris ~ they were fearful and untrusting.
We decided to bring two of the girls into sanctuary ~ we welcomed Nahko & Mala home with loving arms and many new friends.
When they entered the sanctuary gates you could feel their hearts ~ they knew they were home.
Cooley cots, dog houses, new bowls, great food, lots of toys and then off to the vets office to begin evaluating their health and getting them up to date on vaccines.
They received a clean bill of health and scheduled their spays and Gastropexys after their first heat. Nahko came into heat right at a year old ~ we had her spayed and her pexy ~ she recovered beautifully after 17 days.
Months went by and Mala never came into heat ~ we scheduled an appointment with the vet to come up with a plan and address some issues Mala was having. We noticed that Mala seemed to struggle when walking ~ like she was wearing flip flops on the wrong feet or like a dog wearing booties. Her gate was obviously compromised and her struggle was evident. We took Mala in for her spay, while she was under, they took 15 X-rays and although nothing seemed off on the films, it was clear that Mala had Chronic Degenerative Myelopathy. The news was heartbreaking ~ nothing could be done with the exception of palliative care. Mala had her own “swagger” ~ so we met her exactly where she was at and accommodated her ever changing needs. The struggle became too much for Mala. Her giant body was challenged by the simplest of functions. When we listen closely, they always let us know when they are ready to go home ~ the truth is they will hold on through any amount of suffering ~ until WE are ready. Our precious Mala crossed the rainbow bridge with us by her side ~ we brought her home so that all her brothers and sisters at the sanctuary could say goodbye.
Nahko needed extra love, everyone was devastated. Nahko missed her sister & BFF 💔
Please spay and neuter & adopt don’t shop!
Nakho now has a new guardian partner, Mahalo! Nakho is showing Mahalo how to be a great sanctuary guardian.
Please help us ensure that all Nakho’s needs are met and that we may continue to provide the best care for this precious soul by becoming her monthly sponsor for $15 a month.
Or one time donations are also greatly appreciated.