Sir Elton

Gotcha Date: 01/18/2020

Sir Elton is one of our rescued roosters 🐓 ❤️

The animals and Compassion Crew here at Santuario de Karuna would like to say thank you.  Without you, there is no us.  Without you, we wouldn’t have been able to save the lives that are here now and we couldn’t be able to continue to save more lives in the future.  Every donation that is made goes 100% to all of the sentient beings here at SDK.

Please consider a donation so we can continue our work.

Or if you are able,  sponsor Sir Elton with a $10 monthly donation that helps with his food, treats, housing & bedding, enrichment, veterinary bills and meeting all his other needs.  Thank you! 

Sir Elton was living with the drake male ducks,  Bully Dozier and Thyme, but they were not being very kind to him.  Therefore, we procured and prepared a personal safe space for him, uniquely his own. Now he is thriving!
Elton with his namesake!
Elton eating a grape!
Elton with Samuel in Patty’s Place
Elton in his healing space
Sir Elton celebrating the holidays!
Sir Elton meeting the Turkeys